Friday, March 20, 2009

Volunteers needed for CT CTEA VEX Robotics Competition

Volunteers needed for CT CTEA VEX Robotics Competition

The CTEA is looking for volunteers to work at the 2009 CT-CTEA VEX Robotics Competition on April 5th at CCSU.

If interested, please visit the CT VEX website at

this is a great way to learn more about Robotics in the Technology Education curriculum while helping out your professional association.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Teams Registered for the CT VEX Robotics Competition

As of today, the following schools have teams registered for the april 5th CT-CTEA VEX robotics Competition at CCSU. For more information visit the CT-VEX Competition website at

Oxford HS
Windham Middle School
Killingly High School (2)
Brookfield High School
Crosby High School
Montville High School
Stafford Public Schools
South Windsor High School
Platt,Maloney, Wilcox Tech
Leominster Robotics
Montclair High School
Leominster Robotics
Weaver H.S.
Manchester High
SchoolMansfield Middle School (3)

Friday, February 13, 2009

House Affirms Support for Engineers

House Affirms Support for Engineers

(Washington, DC) – Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.Res. 117, which supports the goals and ideals of National Engineers Week, by a vote of 422 to 0. The resolution was introduced by the Research and Science Education Subcommittee Chairman Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), who holds engineering degrees from Northwestern University and Stanford University.

National Engineers Week is February 15-21 2009. Today, the House affirmed that it: supports the goals and ideals of National Engineers Week, to increase understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers and to promote literacy in math and science; and will work with the engineering community to make sure that the creativity and contribution of that community can be expressed through research, development, standardization, and innovation.

“Engineers play an important role in our society in helping to meet many of technological challenges we face, and it is important that we recognize and celebrate that role,” said House Committee on Science and Technology Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN). “Engineers have played a crucial role in our economic growth, especially their role helping to span the gap between scientific discovery and commercial products. Economic estimate that half of our growth in GDP over the past 50 years is related to the development and adoption of new technologies. Having a strong national community of engineers will be a key factor in our nation’s ability to reverse the economic downturn and create the jobs and products of the future.”

“Engineers have built bridges and ships to carry people and goods across water, railways to carry products and passengers across continents, and the internet to carry information around the world,” said Lipinski. “We need the innovative power of engineers more than ever to confront the new challenges before us. They will help us build the bridge to the new energy economy and American energy independence.”

National Engineers Week has grown into a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 major corporations and government agencies. Its goal is to raise public awareness of the significant, positive contributions to society by engineers, and to encourage young students to see themselves as possible future engineers.

The 2005 National Academy of Science report Rising Above the Gathering Storm highlighted that fewer students are focusing on engineering in college at a time when increasing numbers of today’s engineers are nearing retirement. Celebrations such as National Engineers Week are an important part of highlighting the importance of engineers, and inspiring more students to think about pursing a career in engineering.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Prepared by:
Ana Ottman (
February 3, 2009

On January 27, 2009, Rep. Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) introduced H.R. 705, the National STEM Education Tax Incentive for Teachers Act of 2009. The purpose of the bill is to encourage teachers to pursue teaching science, technology, engineering, and math subjects at elementary and secondary schools by providing certain tax incentives. A similar bill, H.R. 36 was introduced in the 110th Congress, but did not move through the legislative process.

The bill currently has 11 bipartisan co-sponsors: Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO); Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA); Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN); Rep. Mazie Hirono (D-HI); Rep. Rush Holt (DNJ); Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL); Rep. James McGovern (D-MA); Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX); Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX); Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA); and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (RFL).

H.R. 705 amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow teachers to receive a tax credit equal to ten percent of their undergraduate tuition. The credit must not exceed $1000 per taxable year, or $1500 for those teachers teaching in an elementary or secondary school receiving Title I funds. Eligible teachers are full-time teachers (including substitute teachers) in any grades kindergarten through 12th grade who: teach STEM courses in one or more of grades 9 – 12; teach STEM courses in one or more of kindergarten through grade 8; in the case of middle or secondary school teachers, received a baccalaureate or
similar degree in a STEM field; and are highly qualified as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act. If passed, this bill would become effective beginning the taxable years after the date of enactment.

The National STEM Education Tax Incentive for Teachers Act of 2009 was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. Washington Partners will continue to monitor this bill as it moves through the legislative process. To read Rep. Ehlers’ press release on the bill’s introduction, visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

PLTW Extends Deadline for New School Registration to March 13, 2009

In order to better accommodate school district and school site decision-making processes and timeframes Project Lead The Way, Inc. has agreed to extend the registration deadline for new school districts and new schools to Friday March 13, 2009. All school districts must register new schools by this date in order to implement the PLTW® program for the 2009-10 school year.

Please visit this link for the online registration page:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Grant Opportunity --- Please note the following opportunity for schools already in PLTW or planning to join PLTW

New Grant Opportunity

HP Innovations in Education --Secondary School Districts – USA

For over 10 years, Hewlett Packard has offered PLTW schools the opportunity to obtain computers, printers and other hardware at a discount. Hewlett Packard is committed to education and is continuing to partner with Project Lead The Way not only by offering affordable technology but also by offering grant opportunities through special initiatives such as the HP Innovations in Education grant program. This program is open to schools across the country and is a competitive RFP process. PLTW schools have a great opportunity to obtain this comprehensive technology package and enhance their ability to deliver PLTW courses, courses that HP recognizes as an outstanding curriculum that can be maximized by the technology and training included in this special grant opportunity. Please see official announcement below:

HP Innovations in Education

Building on 5 years of experience with the HP Technology for Teaching grant program, HP has just announced a new grant opportunity entitled HP Innovations in Education. HP seeks proposals from school districts in the US that are pursuing the use of technology to enhance academic success in secondary school (middle school and/or high school) math and science. Each award, valued at more than $270,000, will consist of equipment, cash and professional development. Proposals that will be considered should describe how technology will be used to enable innovations in four areas – Leadership Capacity, Digital Learning Environments, the Secondary Student Design & Research Experience, and High-Tech Career Awareness. Visit for more information and to download the Request for Proposals. Applications are due March 30th.

HP seeks proposals from school districts pursuing the use of technology to enhance academic success in secondary school (middle school and/or high school) math and science. Proposals that will be considered will describe how technology will be used to enable innovations in four areas:

· Leadership Capacity – creating a network of school administrators and key teachers who implement innovative approaches to curriculum, instruction, and the use of technology to enhance math/science learning.

· Digital Learning Environments – using technology to fundamentally redesign the learning experience in ways that lead to increased student engagement and academic success; can include innovations in online learning, virtual worlds, gaming for learning, and simulations.

· The Secondary Student Design & Research Experience – making math and science real and relevant by involving secondary students in design and research challenges that address real needs in society; can include local and/or global service learning.

· High-Tech Career Awareness – engaging administrators, teachers, and students in ways that increase awareness and interest in high-tech college
degree programs and careers.

Please feel free to share this exciting news with Superintendents or Assistant Superintendents of Curriculum and Instruction. Here are the key facts:

· HP plans to fund approximately 25 secondary school districts in the USA.

· Each grant is valued at more than $270K in equipment, professional development, and cash.

· Proposals are due March 30th, 2009.

· Applicants are invited to visit to download the Request for Proposals, which describes all the important details

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CT-PLTW Team in Real World Design Challenge

Congratulations to Ken Ludwig and the K-Five Team from Waterbury

The state of Connecticut is proud to be one of the pilot states for the Real World Design Governor's Challenge. This challenge provides high school students, grades 9 – 12, the opportunity to work on real world engineering challenges in a team environment. The Department of Energy issued this years challenge which focuses on aeronautics and energy usage. The teams are now using engineering software programs to design and test the performance of a new fuel efficient wing for an aircraft. Connecticut has two teams vying for a chance to represent the state at the Real World Design Challenge National Finals in Washington, DC in March of this year. Team K-Five represents Kennedy High School in Waterbury, CT and is coached by Ken Ludwig. The students representing K-Five are Klejton Dinkollari, Lefter Dinkollari, Michael Matic, William Betances, and Jordan DeAngelis. Team Falcon represents Xavier High School of Middletown, CT and is coached by Michael Humphreys. The students representing Falcon are Matthew Morrone, Bruce Funteral, Michael Leon, Austin Kelly, Greg Witz, Christopher Muckle, and David Mallick. On Jan 9, 2009 the RWDC Teams were hosted at the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT) by the National Center for Aerospace Leadership (NCAL). The students were greeted by the NCAL Director, Robert Mansfield, who discussed with them the fun that could be had when applying engineering skills to a real world problem. Each team was assigned a mentor from the NCAL program. Nasir Mannon and Cristina Cook, both Manufacturing Software Application Engineers, worked with the teams as they navigated the design software. The state finals will be held on Feb 10th.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Engineering program helps students 'Lead the Way'

A pre-engineering program has gained more appeal with the expansion of college-credit transfer benefits, high school students said.

The Project Lead the Way program continues to draw support from The University of Wisconsin System and other schools since its 1996 debut.

System officials agreed in November that some of the program's courses can count toward the science requirement for admission to any of the UW schools.

Other schools like Northcentral Technical College continue to explore agreements that make it easier for the courses to automatically transfer as college credit.

The program introduces engineering concepts to high-school students in the hopes they will pursue careers and research related to the field. Students said more peers will likely accept the program if it's recognized by more schools.

The new UW admission agreement will appeal to students who do not like biology or chemistry, said Wausau West High School sophomore Taylor Garr.

"A lot of kids aren't interested in that stuff," Taylor, 15, said. "I think engineering is a more entertaining way to get their science credits."

Taylor's interest in computers led her to sign up for the program's introductory course as a freshman. This year, she is enrolled in the program's Civil Engineering and Architecture course.

Students who have an 85 percent grade or higher can take an exam to receive three college credits for each program course. The credits were not the selling point for Taylor but she said she might want them to count toward a civil engineering degree in college.

At Wausau East High School, student Ryan Trzebiatowski could earn up to 12 college credits before he graduates this fall. The senior has taken four Project Lead the Way courses.

"The opportunities are kind of endless with programs like this," Trzebiatowski, 18, said. "With our world, there's so much competition with this type of field."

The program gives students hands-on experience so they can decide if they want to pursue engineering in the future, Wausau East instructor Greg Cisewski said.

Cisewski said enrollment in the Project Lead the Way courses have increased steadily between 2005 and 2007.

The new agreements will allow the program credits to be transferred easily in more colleges and universities, he said.