Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Month at a Glance



Wednesday, January 7, 2009 – 10:00am – OWC Office Rocky Hill – CT-TSA and PLTW State Conference planning Session

Thursday and Friday January 8-9, 2009 – Worchester, MA – New England PLTW School Counselor Conference

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 – CCSU 4:00pm – CTEA Spring Conference Planning Meeting

**Thursday, January 22, 2009 – CREC Coltsville Building 8:30 – 12:00 noon – EBD One Year Later - With Engineering by Design being offered in numerous Connecticut schools, participants will hear first hand what the first year teachers think of the EbD program. A general overview of EbD and requirements for a district to offer EbD will be presented for those who may be considering EbD as a pre-engineering option for their students

+ Monday, January 26, 2009 – Howell Cheney Technical School, Manchester – 3:30pm – CTELC Leadership Meeting #289

**Thursday, January 29, 2009 – New London Science and Engineering Magnet School – 9:00am - The third statewide Project Lead the Way teacher conference will showcase best practices in pre-engineering, explore a statewide engineering capstone course competition and unveil a Connecticut PLTW Robotics competition planned for April of 2009. PLTW teachers will have the opportunity to meet with other Connecticut educators to discuss successes in the classroom related to each PLTW course

** To register contact Mary Lou Molloy mmolloy@crec.org

+ To register contact Sue Coco scoco@cheshire.k12.ct.us

For Additional Information or to share items for next months, Month at a Glance Contact Gregory Kane Gregory.Kane@ct.gov